after porting a joomla-site from my local computer to a isp-server i had the problem, that all the pictures css and js files seemed to be gone ... if you have the same problem you should check your configuration.php file in the root joomla-directory ...

take care that $mosConfig_live_site entry is correct (thx to ...

here are the changes you have to do in the configuration.php file (thx to

$mosConfig_host = 'xyz'; // database-server ('localhost')
$mosConfig_user = 'xyz'; // database-user
$mosConfig_password = 'xyz'; // database-password
$mosConfig_db = 'xyz'; // database-name
$mosConfig_absolute_path = '/xyz'; // absolute path without ending /
$mosConfig_live_site = 'http://www.domain.tld'; // domain without ending /
$mosConfig_cachepath = '/xyz/cache'; // absolute path to the cache-directory without ending /

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